a herald from the end of exhaustion!

who has two thumbs and no cast?



Now I just have to pack, put finishing touches on my spanish paper, finish my history of photography paper, and study for and take my environmental alternatives final and present my (now finished, as of today) final project for digital imaging.  Then I’ll be HOME on WEDNESDAY.


Fall 2012!

Officially registered for classes for Fall!

Mondays – NOTHING!

Tuesdays/Thursdays – Teaching Spanish, Extended Projects in Studio Art, Painting I

Wednesdays/Fridays – Close Reading, Critical Writing

AND I have a room for the Fall, a single with a window facing the sunshine on the third floor in the Green House next door to Amanda!


Rosenberg Scholarship (again!)

Huzzah huzzah!

I got a letter from the Chair of the Art and Art History Dept at Goucher telling me that I GOT THE ROSENBERG SCHOLARSHIP AGAIN THIS YEAR!!!!


Salsa Social!

I officially got funding from the Goucher Student Government Association for the Spring Salsa Social!!!!

Hooray for planning, funding, and hosting events on campus like a grown up!

ok, back to school work….

love to all

big d

More exciting updates from the life and adventures of Devin!

Hello again!

Exciting news!

I have been invited to attend a dinner at the President’s House.  He is having a dinner with Ayaan Hirsi Ali before she gives a talk later that evening.  It is a big deal to get invited to one of Sandy’s “speaker dinners” and so, obviously, I am thrilled (and a little nervous – see photo with invitation and telling facial expression).

I also got invited to a scholarship luncheon (because I received the Rosenberg Scholarship last year) so that will be exciting too!

Finally, I got an email from the art department letting me know that they got all my application materials and everything is in order and I should hear back about the Rosenberg in two weeks or so.  Yippee!

Annual Student Art Showcase

Hello everyone!

Guess what?  I submitted two pieces (see below) to the Goucher Annual Student Art Showcase this week and they were ACCEPTED!  Hooray!  And, this year – a piece of mine got in last year as well, but – there will be money prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place, $300, $200, and $100 respectively.  I find out in two weeks if I am one of the lucky people to receive a prize!

Here are the two pieces I submitted to the show:


also, I handed in my application for the Rosenberg Scholarship (which I received last year) yesterday.  Fingers crossed!

And, finally, on Monday I will be turning in the forms to declare a second Minor in Art History.  I was looking over the courses I needed to graduate as a Studio Art Major and Spanish Minor and realized that by taking just one extra class – though I would have probably taken it anyway – I could get a minor in art history.  HOORAY!


Ok, time for brunch now and, of course, those Spanish papers and bio lab reports won’t write themselves….oh well.


love to all!

virtual landscape

Hi folks!

Here is something I just finished for my digital imaging class!

last photo post from abroad (can you believe it?)

in heathrow airport waiting to get on my flight home to San Francisco.

the castle and the last of Barcelona

Montjuic, cont.